Leaders need to develop the ability of knowing when to say 'Yes' and when to say 'No'. Both can be a challenge. But we can do it through our values.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. [Philippians 4:8]
Let's start with an important question. Do you know what your core values are? Have you taken time to determine what these might be? The right core values represent our deepest values and can help us in our decision making, getting the right people around us, and in our behaviours too. The right core values can help us to stay on track as a leader, to lead ourselves well and to not give, consent, to the wrong things.
Discovering your core values should be considered a lifetime adventure, as the words you choose today may change as you experience different moments in your life. In his book Chazown, Craig Groeschel encourages us to answer 3 questions to help us see certain values...
What stirs up righteous anger inside of you?
What brings you the most happiness and joy?
When you look at your life, what core values do you see revealed in it?
Samuel valued integrity
David valued intimacy with God
Joesph valued purpose
Jeremiah valued perseverance
In light of the above questions, grab your journal and take a few minutes to look at the list of words below and choose those you feel most apply to you.
Write out your list of words and then begin to narrow them down. You should end up with about 3-5 core values. So, think, which ones resonate the most with you? Which ones would people use to describe you? Which ones have you seen displayed in your life?
In some respects these are the words by which you want to be known. Too often we view leadership about what we do but that's just giftedness. Character is where real leadership strength lies. In growing our character, life becomes less about what we do and more about who we are becoming. I value growth, leadership, integrity, loyalty, and consistency.
Knowing this helps me say yes and no to the right things.
Knowing this helps me get the right kind of people around me.
Knowing this helps me to lead my self well, every day.
These have become the way I do life. These have become the filter to what is most important to me and to what should have my attention. Your words will do the same for you. They will help you lead yourself well, and therefore have an influence on how you lead others. Most importantly, they will help to say no, to not consent, and find yourself chasing after things which you should not be giving any energy too.
Leave a comment about your core values and how they represent you so well.