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Leading Yourself Well

Discover how leading yourself well can help you become a better leader of others.

A new online programme from The 19 Project coming in 2022

By Julian Clark, The 19 Project

Would your leadership benefit from some clarity?

My answer to this question will always be ‘Yes’.


Whenever I have asked this question to leaders, the answer has always been the same, “Yes”. And that shouldn’t discourage us, as we know leadership is a journey not a destination, which means we also know there is always more to discover about what it means to lead. After all, we don’t know what we don’t know. New leadership opportunities bring us in touch with new people, new leadership challenges and new learning experiences.


What would happen if you added clarity to you and your leadership? Imagine what would happen if you were able to build greater resilience to your leadership? What if these could increase our effectiveness to our leadership?


Whether you are 19 like I was when I was given my first leadership opportunity, or in your 50’s like I am now, clarity about our leadership and who we are can help us lead ourselves well, which in turn, can have a positive influence on how we lead others. And who doesn’t want that?


Are you ready to discover what it takes to lead yourself well? Then you are in the right place.


For 90 days, let's learn together as we use 5 building blocks that I believe can help you become a better leader of the toughest person you might ever lead, you!! We will take this step-by-step so that when we are done, you’ll be able to look back and see how what you have learned has the potential to change you as a leader.

Our Story

This course will help you grow in ...


Core Values


Self Awareness.png






"If we can learn to lead well in life then we are better placed to lead and influence others wherever we may find ourselves."
Julian Clark

What will you learn?

This is a brand new 7 session online course brought to you by The 19 Project. In completing this teaching and journeying through the various exercises you will learn about:

  • what it means to lead yourself well

  • the power of consistency

  • how your values can add value and multiply your leadership effectiveness

  • living in freedom the right boundaries can create 

  • the wide-open space to live out your calling 

  • how emotional intelligence is a non-negotiable for great leaders

  • three types of people who can help you become a better leader

  • hearing God's voice

  • when is the right time to move or to stay 

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